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Premier's Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council

PESRAC Reports

Final Report

The Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council (PESRAC) delivered its Final Report to the Premier on 16 March 2021.

The purpose of this second and final report is to provide advice to the Government on long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

This report outlines some of the measures Tasmanians told us will enable them to build their own future as we continue to respond to and recover from COVID-19.

This report can be read in the context of our Interim Report on the immediate actions to progress short and medium-term recovery.

Hear each Council Members personal reflections on their journey with PESRAC.

Listen to an audio summary of the Final Report by PESRAC Chair, Mr Don Challen.

Listen to the Council Members discuss the final report themes and recommendations.

Interim Report

PESRAC delivered its Interim Report to the Premier on 20 July 2020.

The Interim Report provides an overview of the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 and outlines the Council’s recommendations with regard to the recovery journey and its immediate priorities.

The Tasmanian Government has implemented all 64 of the Council’s Interim Report recommendations. Read more about their recovery activities on the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s website.